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Fig City News now has a mobile app available for Apple iPhones and iPads.

Fig City News goes mobile with iOS app

iPhone and iPad users have a new way to keep up with happenings in Newton. The Fig City News app, now available in the Apple iOS app store, brings all of the content of Fig City News — and more — to your device launch screen with a native iPhone/iPad interface.

Newton Centre iOS developer Jared Prior created the app for Fig City News. It currently runs on iOS 15.6 or later. An Android version is planned.

Current features include: News, Dine, Calendar, and Notifications:

  • News: Access all the articles, announcements, and features of the website from the convenience of your iPhone Home Screen.
Fig City News app in the Apple App Store. Sample app view of recent news.
  • Dine: The app has a list of 126 Newton restaurants with address, phone number, website, and preferred direct order link. Not sure what you want to eat? Click to “Roll the dice” and learn about the diverse options available across the city. Order or call in one click. Features to search and filter the choices will be coming soon.
 Newton Restaurant chosen at random by the app.
  • Calendar: Newton residents interested in City government meetings can quickly access a calendar of upcoming meetings at City Hall — with the associated agendas and Zoom links — and join virtual meetings from their devices directly.
  • Notifications: If you authorize the app, you can be the first to know when new articles are posted to the site. You can also subsequently turn these off in your device notification settings. This is a handy feature for following breaking news as it happens. Future versions will give you the option of adding alerts on city meetings that are about to start and will allow you to tailor the specific notifications you would like to see.

To get the app: If you are on your iPhone or iPad you can click here to install the app. If you are on your computer, you can point you phone camera at the QR code below and be brought to the Apple iOS App Store. If you like the app, please leave a rating or review in the App Store.

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