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Posts published in “Announcements”

Auburndale Community Library: Free gaming/virtual reality for grades 6-12, Mar. 22

The Auburndale Community Library will host a free gaming/virtual reality event for grades 6-12 on Saturday!Saturday, March 22, 3PM-6PM at 375 Auburn Street, Auburndale. Pre-registration is REQUIRED by emailing . One Up Games will be bringing a variety of next-gen consoles and gaming monitors to the library. Popular games…

Newton Conservators webinar: The Bluebird Effect — Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds, Mar. 27

Newton Conservators will host a webinar, The Bluebird Effect: Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds. Participants can listen in as noted author and painter Julie Zickefoose talks about the unexpected mental and emotional capacities of birds, especially songbirds, which people tend to underestimate and overlook. This webinar will take place on…

Newton South HS Spring Concert, Mar. 19

The annual Newton South HS Spring Concert will take place on March 19 at 7:30PM in the Van Seasholes Auditorium at Newton South (140 Brandeis Rd). Admission is free. The concert will feature performances by several Newton South ensembles:  Band, wind, and jazz ensembles are directed by Lisa Linde, who…

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