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Posts published in “People”

Inventor in the Highlands: Dr. Dae S. Kim

At the corner of Walnut and Floral Streets in Newton Highlands, in a row of shops that formerly held Takara Sushi and Coffee Corner, there’s a letter-sized sign taped to a shop window: “Help Wanted — Inventor’s Assistants —” — along with a one-page, densely typed “Partial List of…

West Suburban YMCA’s Gala raises $130,000

Last Saturday, the West Suburban YMCA raised over $130,000 at its Annual Gala to support its programs enabling families of all backgrounds to develop healthy habits, build confidence, and foster strong relationships. The event recognized retiring board chair Ned Morse’s six decades with the Y, and Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller presented Morse with a…

Jayne Colino: Out of the library basement and into a three-story senior center…

Jayne Colino, departing Director of Newton’s Department of Senior Services, began her career in Newton in 1990 as Director of Senior Services in the basement of Newtonville’s branch library at 345 Walnut Street. At that time, Senior Services facilities consisted of the children’s reading room, bathroom and two closets —…

Intersection: Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada and Rev. Domenick Ackerman

Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada According to his bio on the website, “Robert is of Nahua/Chichimeca Zacatecati ancestry, and born and raised in Huchiun, occupied Ohlone Lisjan (Oakland, California),” and with his wife, Mayeta “Yaxochitl” Quesda, founded the “Calpulli Coyoxochitl dance group. Robert, who was the lead dancer and keeper of…

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