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Posts published in “Helping Others”

City chooses EMPath to provide economic stability and mobility support for 50 low-income families

Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced last week that the City will use $1.75 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for coaching services provided by Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath) to assist 50 under-resourced families that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. From three submissions for delivering these services, EMPath’s…

Ashley Garcia to run 127th Boston Marathon to support Newton Rotary Foundation scholarships

Ashley Garcia will run the 127th Boston Marathon on April 17th, representing the Newton Rotary Foundation. She aims to raise $7,500 to fund the vocational and RYLA scholarships awarded to Newton High School students each spring. Ashley spoke to the club on February 7th, receiving her race jersey from President…

CAN-DO seeks volunteers for its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people with low- to moderate-incomes (generally, $60,000 and below) who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Certified volunteers sponsored by various organizations receive training to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country. Learn something new…

Rebecca Pomroy Foundation accepting grant applications until Feb. 1

The Rebecca Pomroy Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2023 grant funding cycle. The foundation seeks to assist charitable organizations that provide health-building, educational, and recreational opportunities for people of all ages, with a special preference to organizations in Newton that provide training, education, and counseling to girls and women in need. It…

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