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[Update] Service Stars delivers Valentines and fun at Evans Park

Last Wednesday, the kids and staff from Service Stars (profiled in Fig City News last week), visited Evans Park, a nearby senior residential community in Newton Corner. The children spent the afternoon with residents, delivering hand-made valentine cards, playing bingo, and sharing their favorite items. Prior to the visit, the children talked about visiting the community and how to be respectful and engage in conversation.

The children also learned about Love Our Elders, a nonprofit founded in 2013 by a young man who wanted to honor his grandfather. After his grandfather died, Jacob Cramer began volunteering at his local senior community center and learned from many that he was their only visitor. He began writing letters to them, realizing that this helped ease their social isolation, and he created this organization, which has sent “hundreds of thousands” of letters to senior communities throughout the world. As part of the Service Stars program, the children select a senior from the Love Our Elders site, and with their families, write a letter to a senior.

Learn more about Service Stars and current openings for their programs here.

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