Public Buildings Commissioner, Josh Morse, submitted a response to questions regarding the fossil fuel boiler replacements for two schools – Franklin Elementary and Newton South High School, that were approved last week. According to the response, in terms of Franklin, the cost to convert Franklin to electric is “roughly $3.5,…
Posts published in “News”
Four City Councilors, Brenda Noel, Bill Humphrey, Alicia Bowman, and Holly Ryan, signed a letter to the Mayor criticizing the Mayor’s summary of the inquest and report from the judge regarding the Michael Conlon shooting in Newton Highlands in January 2021. The Councilors wrote, “The lack of empathy for the…
The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases has risen to 14,600 and the number of COVID-19 related deaths has remained at 202. The Newton data can be found here and the NPS data can be found here.
Modifications to the Grove Street roundabout that was approved as part of the Riverside Special Permit project remain controversial. Two councilors, Alison Leary and Alicia Bowman have urged DPW Commissioner, James McGonagle, in this memo, suggesting that the Ward 4 Councilors made an incorrect claim regarding whether the proposed design…
The Craft Street proposal – a partnership between Mark Development and SRG Senior Living – for a 209 unit elder housing project (129 independent living units – studio – 2 bedrooms; 52 Assisted Living Units -studio – 2 bedrooms; and 28 Memory Care Units – studio only) will be presented…
The City Council was poised to vote on the conceptual design of the project at its Full Council meeting on May 2nd (begins at 2:15:15). After a 1-hour and 45-minute debate -which included dropping a possible trial and substituting Option 3 with Option 2 – the motion to substitute failed…
COVID-19 Update: The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases has risen to 14,238 and the number of COVID-19 related deaths has sadly risen to 202. The Newton data can be found here and the NPS data can be found here (NOTE: a significant increase from last week 192 to 331).
The Law Department issued this Guidance Memo to all City Councilors regarding COVID-19 Measures and Open Meeting Law. According to the memo, “the legal requirement that public bodies must resume meeting in-person. Open Meeting Law will still allow remote participation of public body members, but only in limited circumstances.” With…
The City Council voted to approve a $16 million water meter replacement project at its meeting earlier this month by a vote of 22-1 (Downs abstaining)-1 (Kelley) The City went through a major upgrade/replacement project of water meters in 2009 – installing meters with attached antennas to transmit information to…
This week, the City Council will be reviewing the following departmental budgets this week: Comptroller/Retirement, Treasurer, Purchasing, Public Buildings, Assessing, Human Resources, Financial Services, and Executive/Sustainability. In addition, the Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Comptroller’s FY2023…