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What’s Up in Newton – Week of 2/25/2024

City Council

Zoning and Planning will meet on Monday:

  • Public Hearing on the adoption of an Electrification Ordinance
  • Discussion with the Law and Planning departments regarding the process going forward for 40B projects since meeting the 10% ‘Safe Harbor’ designation.
  • Discussion and possible ordinance amendments to update fees related to special permit, zone change, and site plan review fees.
  • Preliminary discussion with the Planning Department, Inspectional Services Department and CPA Program Manager to prepare for the Committee’s FY25 Budget Review of these Departments and Programs.
  • Reappointment of Denise Chicoine and Lei Reilley to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Finance will meet on Monday:

  • Appropriation of $125,000 in Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for a grant to the Second Church in Newton for the restoration.
  • Acceptance of a $27,500 National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) grant to improve the City’s conformance with the US Food and Drug Administration’s Retail Program Standards by the Health and Human Services Department.
  • Acceptance of a $30,785 Massachusetts Office on Disability grant for Williams Elementary School playground accessibility improvements.
  • Acceptance of a $35,000.00 reimbursement grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and the State Department of Fire Services for Firefighter Safety Equipment.
  • Transfer of the Opioid Mitigation funds totaling $446,104.67 for use by the Health and Human Services Department into a Special Revenue Fund.
  • Authorization to issue an RFP with a food service management company, for a contract duration of up to five years.
  • Appropriation of $1,191,000 from June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash to complete the funding for the Newton Free Library’s chiller and related cooling equipment replacement project.
  • Authorization to establish a NPS Educational Stabilization Fund
  • Authorization to appropriate from Overlay Surplus ($18,200,000), interest income that has accumulated as part of the $18.2 million Overlay Surplus ($800,000) which can be allocated from Free Cash, and June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash ($3,000,000) to the NPS Educational Stabilization Fund, for a total of $22 million.
  • Appropriation request for a total of $7.8 million for the NewCAL project to reduce the amount of funding the City would need to borrow for that project. The $7.8 million is comprised of two funding sources related to the Eversource agreement: (1) $5.5 million, transferred from the ATB Interest and Penalties account, and (2) $2.3 million from Overlay Surplus.
  • Request to issue refunding bonds to refund all or any portion of the City’s general obligation bonds.

Land Use will meet on Tuesday:

Community Dialog Working Group will meet on Thursday:

  • Committee introduction
  • Public Comment

School Committee

School Committee will meet 3 times on Monday:

  • Executive Session to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel: Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendents, Directors, Managers, General Counsel, Human Resources Generalists, Confidential Executive Assistants, Executive Assistants, Analysts and Coordinator, Budget Analysts, Specialists

Boards and Commissions

Newton Free Library Trustees Development Committee will meet on Monday:

  • New Business: Development newsletter; 1875 Society next steps; Gifts to the Friends
  • Continuing Busienss: Spring Fling

Newton Cultural Council will meet on Monday:

  • Executive Committee succession plan and vote of new officers
  • Treasurer Report
  • Adjudication review – what should be the future of: “Deep dive” process
  • Equity & Fairness of scoring process
  • Funding round strategies

Newton Parks and Recreation Commission will meet on Monday:

  • Lions 5K Road race – NSHS- 05/19/24 – Public Hearing
  • Clay Court – tennis fees, hours, rules, and regulations – Proposed Rules
  • Special Events at the Hyde – Informational:
    • Taiwan Day- May 4
    • Festival of Arts – May 19
    • Juneteenth – June 15
  • Commissioner’s Report
  • Committee Reports: Community Preservation Committee; Urban Tree Commission; Farm Commission; Off-Leash Area Working Group; Arts & Culture

Youth Commissioners will meet on Monday and review and recap last meeting and discuss new Commissioner meeting schedule.

Newton Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday, February 27

  • New Agenda Items:
    • Chris Lodge, President and COO from Pension Technology Group (PTG) and Stephan Georgacopoulos, PTG’s Director of Northeast Markets, to attend meeting to discuss contract renewal options, Pension Pro +, Self Service Portal and Scanning module
  • Administrative Agenda Items:
    • Monthly financial reporting for month ending December 2023
    • Board to review projected 2024 administrative expense report prepared by Director O’Brien
    • Board to review FY2025 budget of the Newton Retirement System as prepared by Director O’Brien
    • Board to approve new members as indicated on list provided in Board Member’s monthly packet
    • Receipt of request for Accidental Death Benefit
    • New application(s) for superannuation & termination retirement
  • Pending Agenda Items:
    • Discussion relating to updating the Newton Retirement Board’s Investment Policy
    • Preliminary discussion relating to January 2024 actuarial valuation-Kathleen Riley of Segal to attend 4/23/24 Ret. Bd. Mtg.
    • Discussion relating to cash reserves – scheduled for 5/28/24 Ret. Bd. Mtg.
    • Retirement Office staff policy and procedures handbook update
    • Newton Retirement Board Travel Regulations – PERAC approval received on January 29, 2024
    • Notification to Group 4 members regarding pre-employment physicals being mandatory to retire under the heart, lung and cancer presumption; Update regarding the 2/2/24 monthly meeting with Human Resources
    • Current status of pending disability retirement applications
    • Current status of pending appeal cases
  • Director’s Report

Newton Free Library Trustees Strategic Planning Steering Committee will meet on Tuesday and review proposals and plan next meeting.

Council on Aging and Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday:

  • Ned Codd, DPW Director of Transportation Operations
  • NewMo Update; NewCAL Update; Needs Assessment Project Update; Department of Seniors Services Update

Newton Housing Partnership will meet on Tuesday:

  • 78 Crafts Street: Presentation from Boylston Properties
  • 1149 Washington St., Dunstan East: Presentation from Garden Homes
  • 528 Boylston St., Toll Brothers: Presentation from Toll Brothers
  • FY25 Annual Action Plan Update: Staff Presentation
  • Newton THRIVE: Staff Update

Newton Commonwealth Foundation will meet on Tuesday:

  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Sterling Golf Operator’s Report
  • License Agreement between City & Foundation
    • Vote on two-month extension
    • Subcommittee – Steve Meyer, Arlene Franklin, Cynthia Arcate
  • Finance and Audit Committee follow-up report
    • Vote on revised Charter
    • D&O Insurance – discuss vote on proposal made by Cynthia Arcate at last meeting.
    • Bookkeeping – related to proposal for a CPA & QuickBooks
  • New Business: Committee to review RFP for Golf course Operator

Newton Free Library Board of Trustees will meet on Wednesday:

  • New Business: City FY25 Budget Update
  • Reports:
    • President: Steinburg stock bequest and resolution (Vote); Gifts to the Library; Library and Friends coordination and administration
    • Director: HVAC Project
    • Treasurer: Review 2nd quarter investment performance; Review financial results v. budget
    • Nominating and Governance: Amend Director Evaluation procedures; update on Evaluation Process
    • Strategic Planning Steering Committee
    • Spring Fling: Fund-a-Need focus
  • Visitors Comment

Design Review Committee/Countryside School Building Committee will meet on Wednesday:

  • Energy Model and Building Systems Updates; Site Plan Updates; Building Design Updates

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday:

  • Public Hearing on a request for a Comprehensive Permit, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40B, to construct at 307-unit residential development on a 4.76 sq. acre lot located at 78 -84 Crafts Street, 68-70 Crafts Street, 9 Maguire Court, 17-19 Maguire Court, 67R Court Street, 63 Court Street, 13-15 Maguire Court, 24 Maguire Court, 31 Maguire Court, and 31R Maguire Court within the Multi-Residence 1 (MR-1) and Manufacturing (M) zoning districts. The proposal includes 62 affordable units and 263 parking spaces. See Meeting Packet.

Conservation Commission will meet on Thursday:

  • Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) specifically for a Negative 1 and Negative 6 Determination regarding confirmation of City Floodplain line at 51 Oak Avenue
  • Request for an Order of Conditions (OOC) on a Notice of Intent (NOI) for invasive control, native plantings, fence along South Meadow Brook at 191 Dedham Street
  • Request for an Order of Conditions (OOC) on a Notice of Intent (NOI) for tree removal at 544 Quinobequin Road
  • Request for and informal discussion regarding a request to revise required mitigation planting for 70 Kingwood Road
  • Request for a 3-year extension on an Order of Conditions (OOC) to allow time for plant establishment regarding additional parking request at 188 Needham Street
  • Draft Riverfront Area Redevelopment Guidance


This week’s road construction schedule.

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