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Programs and Services considers Ethics Commission for self conduct

The Programs and Services Committee met on December 6 to discuss an item docketed by several City Council members calling for the creation and enforcement of a City Council Code of Ethics (see page 20-24 of the agenda). The City Council is an independent, self-governing body of the local government and does not currently have such Code or procedures to enforce it.

Lead sponsor and retiring Ward 6 Councilor Brenda Noel filed the item following a texting exchange between her an another City Councilor — later identified as Ward 8 Councilor Rick Lipof — during a recent City Council meeting. Councilor Lipof issued this apology to his colleagues and to Councilor Noel. Other Councilors signing onto the docket item included Council President Susan Albright and Councilors Alicia Bowman, Maria Greenberg, Bill Humphrey, David Kalis, Rick Lipof, Tarik Lucas, and Pam Wright.

The discussion at the meeting was not about the contents of the texting exchange itself but rather whether, and to what extent, there is a need to create a mechanism for Councilors to report, investigate, and take action against “any inappropriate, unwelcome, or unwanted conduct from a sitting City Councilor,” as Councilor Noel wrote to her colleagues.

The committee voted to Hold the item. President Albright said that she expects the item to be reintroduced in the next term.

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