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What’s Up in Newton this week – 9/24/2023

City Council

Zoning and Planning will hold a public hearing on Tuesday on the updated Village Center Overlay Districts – text and maps version 3.0.

See Planning Memo and Fig City News article.

Finance has cancelled its Monday meeting and will meet on Thursday to discuss the following requests:

  • Accept $5,000 a grant and two pieces of artwork for the Department of Senior Services.
  • Appropriate $10,831.12 for accessible playground equipment and picnic tables for Williams Elementary School.
  • Accept a $427,454.54 from an Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG) for the Fire Department to conduct Officer Training courses, health and wellness training and purchase of equipment.
  • Establish an “Operations Booster Stabilization Fund.” The item was recommitted by the City Council at last Monday’s City Council meeting (see Fig City News article).

Traffic Council will meet on Thursday to discuss these requests.

  • Remove 3 accessible parking spaces (no longer needed): 35 Brookdale Road, 21 Gardner Street, 62 Bourne Street
  • Review parking regulations on Crystal Street and Newbury Street.
  • Change the parking regulations on Allerton Road.
  • Create a 4-way stop-controlled intersection on Watertown Street at the intersection of Eliot Avenue and Eddy Street to improve safety
  • Change the parking regulations on the south side of Longfellow Road
  • Change the parking regulations on the north side of Ward Street between West Boulevard and Ashford Road
  • Approve a ‘STOP’ sign at the Clifton Road northbound approach to Hartman Road.

School Committee

The School Committee’s Negotiations Subcommittee will meet in Executive Session on Wednesday to discuss strategy and conduct a collective bargaining session with the Newton Public Schools Custodian Association (NPSCA).

The School Committee will meet in Executive Session on Wednesday to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining regarding the Newton Teachers Association Units A-E.

The School Committee will meet on Wednesday to discuss the following (see agenda):

The Negotiations Subcommittee will meet on Friday to discuss strategy and conduct an impact bargaining session with the Newton Teachers Association (NTA).

Boards and Commissions

Newton Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday.

Newton Cultural Council will meet on Tuesday to receive updates on its Grantee Reception (September 28), review adjudication criteria, and crediting requirements, receive reports from the treasurer and status of final reports, and receive an update on the West Newton Cinema.

Newton Housing Partnership will meet on Tuesday to receive updates on Village Center Zoning, Comprehensive Permit Proposals, the Family Aid proposal, and the Economic Stability/Mobility Initiative with EMPath, and have a discussion about coorination with the Affordable Housing Trust and Fair Housing Committee

Newton Commonwealth Foundation will meet on Tuesday to receive its Treasurer’s Report, hold an election of officers, and have a discussion about itsFinance and Audit Committee Charter,

Council on Aging and Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday to receive a NewCAL update and a departmental update, discuss its project launch of Needs Assessment, discuss housing suitable for older adults in Newton Zoning, and restructuring of the COA and Advisory Committee.

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday to continue its public hearing on the 528 Boylston Street Comprehensive Permit (40B) project. See Planning Memo. A model of the project will be on public display prior to the meeting.

Design Review Committee/Horace Mann School Building Committee will meet on Wednesday to receive updates on the the Feasibility Study – Building Design and Space Summary Review and Site Plan Review and Design Consultant updates.

Conservation Commission will meet on Thursday to discuss the following:

  • Single-family house demolition and construction at109 Harwich Road
  • Addition at 74 Bowen Street
  • Application for a Certificate of Compliance in response to an Enforcement Order at 55 Bernard Street
  • Demolition/construction of a single-family house at 25 Bernard Street
  • Old Deer Park beekeeper license extension for Mark Lewis

Newton Historic Commission will meet on Thursday and discuss the following:

Sustainable Material Management Commission will meet on Thursday to receive updates on the Sustainable Packaging Ordinance, research into smaller residential car sizing and pricing strategies, discussion of the Middletown, CT Organics Collection Program, and updates from the MA EPR Legislation and from the department.


The City Council received this update on the NewGOV system that was implemented in May 2022.

This week’s road construction schedule.

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