Mayor Fuller announced last week that the City’s Newton 311 mobile app for customer service has ceased functioning and should be removed from mobile phones. Instead, residents should use the City’s Newton 311 website to report problems. Fig City News has added a link to the City’s Newton 311 website under “Look Here for…” in our top menu and added 311 capability to the Fig City News iOS app.

Newton 311 allows residents to report issues quickly and directly and can reduce the need to call Newton City Hall or a City Councilor for assistance. Doing this from a mobile phone is useful for residents to report problems as they are seen. The menu of options (listed below) includes the ability to report, for instance: rodent sightings, faulty street lights, or concerns about park, playground, or snow removal. The rodent-sighting reporting page includes earlier reports from the year by address. You can get to this menu by visiting from your computer or mobile phone, or better yet, use the Fig City News iOS app.
The iOS app, which launched in April, provides news alerts, ready access to calendars of government meetings and community events as they happen, and a searchable list of over 150 Newton restaurants. The new app update from Newton iOS developer and 3D game creator Jared Prior embeds the Newton 311 page into the app’s main menu for more eady access on the go. Prior is working on an Android version of the app.

To get the new app version: On iPhones or iPads, users can visit the Fig City News app’s page in Apple’s iOS App Store — or scan the QR code at the bottom of this page — to install or upgrade the app.