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Posts published in “Students”

NSHS student Zack Gusenoff receives President’s Award for promoting reading and community at Home for Little Wanderers

Back in 8th grade, Zack Gusenoff started Page Turners, a book group at Harrington House, a group home run by The Home for Little Wanderers for children ages 8 to 13 who have experienced trauma or a disrupted family life. Zack wanted to encourage upper-elementary school kids at The Home to…

Celebration of Queer Culture, June 17

A Celebration of Queer Culture will take place at City Hall on June 17, 10AM-3PM, hosted by a partnership of the City of Newton Health and Human Services, the Human Rights Commission, the Newton Youth Commission, Lasell University, and the New Art Center. The goal is to highlight and provide education…

FORJ Family Picnic, Aug. 20

Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ) invites the public to the FORJ Family Picnic on August 20, 5PM-7PM, at Auburndale Cove (Site 4). Bring a picnic and join in some end-of-summer family fun. RSVP here.

AAPIs in Newton as Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month comes to a close

Betty Chan Newton resident, Betty Chan together with Ward 2 Councilor Tarik Lucas, co-authored this resolution, urging the City of Newton to take action on Anti-Asian hate crimes and invest in multiracial community health and safety. The resolution was adopted unanimously by the City Council last July. With the Newton…

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