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Posts published in “Police”

Newton Police honor fallen Officers, celebrate 150th anniversary, and grant scholarships

On June 2, the Newton Police Department marked its 150th anniversary in conjunction with Police Memorial Sunday, a solemn day dedicated to honoring officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The event was hosted by the Newton Police Memorial Association (NMPA). Mayor Ruthanne Fuller, Acting Chief…

TrailblazHers Run Co files discrimination lawsuit against BAA, City of Newton, and Newton Police Chief

Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston filed a federal discrimination lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts Thursday on behalf of TrailblazHers Run Co. The lawsuit is directed against “the BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, CITY OF NEWTON, and JOHN F. CARMICHAEL JR., Chief of Police of the…

Upcoming trust-building sessions designed to improve police-community relationships

It’s not easy to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, but that’s precisely what law enforcement officials, residents, and others with Newton connections will strive to do during sessions of an upcoming relationship-building program. The late Newton Police Capt. William L. Spalding was instrumental in bringing this program to Newton.…

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