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Posts published in “Override”

Minaker: Override is not the solution

I read about the NPS future budget dilemma. Any type of override is not the solution. School leaders must reevaluate their spending demands and focus on the type of education system Newton can actually afford. Newton middle class residents can not continue to pay the present 3.5% increase in property…

‘Vote Yes for Newton’ files 30-day post-election finance report; ‘No Override Newton’ files six days late [updated]

Vote Yes for Newton filed its 30-day post-election campaign finance report at City Hall on Thursday. The report shows the group raised an additional $4,700 since the February 24 ending of its pre-election report. Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and her husband together contributed $2000 of the additional funds raised, in…

April 3rd School Committee meeting ends in sharp disagreement over NPS budget deliberations

Tuesday’s School Committee meeting did not have a public comment period, and began with a typical update from Interim Superintendent Kathy Smith. After Dr. Smith spoke, Committee member Cove Davis (Ward 8) requested that the Superintendent address concerns in the community about low Advanced Placement Math test pass rates for…

Students’ views after the override vote

Presented last Wednesday, the proposed budget for FY2024 has created – among many other things – a new topic for conversation. While the verdict of the override was released March 14, it’s the proposed new budget that, when implemented, will determine where and how funding is allocated as well as…

Horace Mann School …after the override

On March 14, Newton voters rejected Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s proposal to levy an additional $9,175,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for a range of infrastructure improvements, senior programming, the expansion and renovation of the Horace Mann School. The “No” vote was 10,566 to 9,428 in favor. By almost…

Examining Newton’s funding of pensions

Residents and community leaders are looking for ways to fill the budget gap that the passage of Question 1 (Requesting an Operating Override) would have filled, and one avenue being explored is adjusting the rate of the City’s funding of its pension liability. The City’s long-term pension and retiree health…

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