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Posts published in “News”

LigerBots — Newton’s high school robotics team — qualifies for New England District Championship!

The LigerBots, Newton’s dual-high-school robotics team, won the Silver medal at the FIRST Robotics League Greater Boston District Competition last weekend at Revere High School. With two alliance partners — the Lobstah Bots and the Crusaders — the LigerBots came from behind to win the Silver Medal and a place…

Governor Healey and Lt. Governor Driscoll introduce new MBTA General Manager at Riverside Station

Governor Maura Healey, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, and Transportation Secretary Gina Fiandaca arrived by the Green Line at Riverside Station to introduce the MBTA’s new General Manager, Phillip Eng. A small group of MBTA employees were on hand to greet their new boss. Mr. Eng, an engineer and former President…

Newton politicians going and coming

Two Newton City Councilors and a new member of the School Committee have announced they are not running for re-election in November. Ten-year veteran Ward 2 Councilor Emily Norton, Ward 6 Councilor Brenda Noel, and first-term Ward 6 School Committee member Paul Levy will leave office and focus on their…


The Commonwealth’s new Auditor, Diana DiZoglio is delivering on a campaign promise to audit the Legislature. She told Boston Globe and Channel Five reporters that in her determination to bring transparency to the House and Senate she plans “to audit” what goes on behind closed doors, including budget decisions, committee…

Cole Porter revival “Anything Goes” shines at Newton North this weekend [Updated with opening-night review]

Can an 89-year-old musical be fresh? With music and lyrics by the brilliant Cole Porter and sparkling, witty, and suggestive romantic songs, like “You’re the Top,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,” and the title song “Anything Goes,” the answer is a resounding yes.   Anything Goes runs March 23-26 in Newton…

Horace Mann School …after the override

On March 14, Newton voters rejected Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s proposal to levy an additional $9,175,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for a range of infrastructure improvements, senior programming, the expansion and renovation of the Horace Mann School. The “No” vote was 10,566 to 9,428 in favor. By almost…

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