The city celebrated Earth Day on Sunday, April 24th, with a festival at City Hall. Sponsored by Green Newton, residents had an opportunity to learn about energy savings, electric vehicles and bikes, composting, and had fun!
Posts published in “News”
Budget Meetings in Full Swing: This week, the City Council will be reviewing the following departmental budgets this week: Comptroller/Retirement, Treasurer, Purchasing, Public Buildings, Assessing, Human Resources, Financial Services, and Executive/Sustainability. In addition, the Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m.…
In addition to the FY2023 Budget, the Mayor presented the Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan (Supplemental CIP) amending the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) submitted to the Council last October. Major changes to the CIP were outlined in the submittal memo include the following: New Projects: Feasibility study for an indoor…
The Mayor presented the FY2023 Budget – $480 million Operating Budget, $61 million in Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Enterprise funding, and $5.6 million in Community Preservation funds. Delivering her presentation remotely, the Mayor stated that this year’s budget represents at 3.5% increase to the school budget ($262M) and a 3% increase…
The School Committee voted to approve the Superintendent’s recently updated proposed FY2023 budget at its meeting on Tuesday, April 12th. The approved budget is approximately an $8.8 million increase over the FY2022 Budget. After the School Committee sent this resolution on March 31st, 12 members of the Newton City Council…
Photos by Newton Sports Photography – Jack Prior
Let’s start with the School Committee meetings on the Budget. There were many. After several days of budget presentations – (March 28th, March 30th, March 31st), review, and discussions, all given with the understanding that the schools were faced with a $4 million dollar deficiency, the School Committee sent this…
After the public hearing on the budget at the April 4th School Committee meeting, the SC received a presentation from the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Commissioner regarding proposed lights on the Newton North and Newton South High School fields. Members received this memo from Assistant Superintendent Liam Hurley regarding the…
The Ligerbots, is a student-run FIRST FRC robotics team made up of students from both Newton North and Newton South High Schools. The students are given six weeks to design and build a robot that competes with other teams to play a game. Throughout the rest of the year, the…
Newton has a goal to become carbon-neutral by 2050. The Newton Citizens Commission on Energy exists to advise the City on how to address this goal. Volunteer representatives of NCCE have created a confidential, 10-minute survey to hear your opinions about climate change, and understand what you think it will take achieve the 2050…