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Posts published in “News”

City and Newton Cemetery & Arboretum reach compromise on tree removals and replacement

As reported earlier, the Newton Cemetery & Arboretum (NC&A) had requested a waiver of a strict application of Newton’s Tree Preservation Ordinance with regard to NC&A’s planned removal of 219 trees in order to develop more burial space in its Knoll development project. In short, NC&A asked that, in accounting…

Lochtree’s many ways to save the planet

“At Lochtree, we make it easy to find great eco-friendly & zero-waste products.” If you’ve been to Newton’s Tuesday Farmers Market, you may have noticed the Lochtree booth and Lochtree’s founder, Henry Palmer. Lochtree is an online marketer selling an eclectic range of environment-friendly sustainable products and applying some of…

Fulfilled Goods in Newton aims to make shopping low-waste and package-free

This fall is the soft-opening for Newton’s first zero-waste store and refill station, Fulfilled Goods LLC (612 Washington Street). You’ll find bulk hand and dish soap, laundry detergent, shampoo and conditioner, lotion, and more available for purchase using your own containers from home or donated and sanitized containers available at the store.…

Newtonville Village Day!

Sunday was beautiful and fun, and Newtonville Village Day was a huge success, with a steady stream of people from the village and all parts of Newton. This year offered a much broader range of vendors, bolstered in part by the newer restaurants in the village. There were more activities…

Zoning Framework for Village Centers: Your Comments, Please

View presentation online or at the Newton Free Library; Provide your feedback by October 16 On September 1, the Planning Department mounted the Zoning and Planning Committee’s Village Center Zoning Redesign framework governing changes to height and footprint of buildings, village center density, special and by-right permits, parking requirements, multiple…

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