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Posts published in “News”

Newton Center/Thompsonville Village Center Zoning Input Session draws 53 participants

On Thursday, December 1st, Barney Heath, Director of Newton’s Planning Department, joined by members of his staff, launched the third in a series of seven community presentations on the proposed Village Center Overlay Design. This meeting, focused on Newton Center and Thompsonville, was not meant to be a public hearing,…

Four Corners/Newton Highlands Village Center Zoning Input Session draws 50+ participants

On Wednesday, November 30, approximately 59 residents participated in the third Village Center Zoning Input Session, focusing on the proposed maps for Four Corners and Newton Highlands. After a brief presentation by the Planning Department, Ward 5 Councilor Brenda Noel was the first to ask for clarification on what problems…

Advocates for climate action question need for National Grid pipeline replacements

A group of climate action advocates in Newton, led by Mothers Out Front/Newton, is asking the City Council’s Public Facilities Committee for more transparency about National Grid’s gas-pipeline-replacement projects and for gas-leak repairs that are less disruptive, trenchless, lower-cost, yet as-safe. The group is concerned that Committee has been permitting…

Superintendent Search Committee and NPS School Committee finalize Desired Superintendent Characteristics document

Discussed equity versus excellence and whether to soften community feedback Following the collection of data from surveys and focus groups, the recruiting firm hired by Newton — Hazard, Young, and Attelier (HYA) — authored 1) a six-page Leadership Profile Report that condensed the survey and focus group into a summary…

Newton Cemetery & Arboretum requests exemption from Newton’s Tree Preservation Ordinance

In October, the Newton Cemetery & Arboretum (NC&A) sent a letter to the City Council’s Programs & Services Committee requesting exemption from Newton’s Tree Preservation Ordinance (TPO) – both in the current form of the ordinance and under either of two proposed revisions to it (one by the City Council…

Recently announced meetings for December 1

Three City meetings, all on December 1, were announced too late to be included in Fig City’s Monday newsletter of Local Government Meetings and Reports: The Housing and Community Development Division of the Newton Planning and Development Department will hold a Special WestMetro HOME virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Thursday,…

NPS Superintendent Candidate Profile approved by Search Committee, heads to full School Committee for debate

Survey and Focus Group Results Shared by Recruiting Firm During a special meeting of the Superintendent Search Committee on November 28, the City’s recruiting firm Hazard Young Attea (HYA) presented the results of the community focus groups and surveys that were conducted during November, as well as the proposed Leadership…

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