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Posts published in “City Departments”

Three-alarm fire, in vacant Victorian in Newtonville, likely caused by “oily rags”

On the morning of Wednesday, April 24, a fire broke out in a vacant, 10-room Victorian home undergoing renovation at 8 Central Avenue in Newtonville. The Newton Fire Department responded around 11:30AM to reports of heavy smoke from the 2½ story, wood-framed structure. On arrival, firefighters found heavy fire in…

TrailblazHers Run Co files discrimination lawsuit against BAA, City of Newton, and Newton Police Chief

Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston filed a federal discrimination lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts Thursday on behalf of TrailblazHers Run Co. The lawsuit is directed against “the BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, CITY OF NEWTON, and JOHN F. CARMICHAEL JR., Chief of Police of the…

City Councilors explore ways to help small businesses survive and thrive

At its March 25 meeting, the City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee (ZAP) met with John Sisson, Director of the Economic Development Commission (EDC), to discuss ways to help local small businesses survive as Newton embarks on village center development. The topic, docketed by Councilors Albright and Kelley, has been…

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