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Posts published by “Martina Jackson”

Jayne Colino: Out of the library basement and into a three-story senior center…

Jayne Colino, departing Director of Newton’s Department of Senior Services, began her career in Newton in 1990 as Director of Senior Services in the basement of Newtonville’s branch library at 345 Walnut Street. At that time, Senior Services facilities consisted of the children’s reading room, bathroom and two closets —…

Welcome to the Waban Library Center

Since 1930, the Waban Library — now Waban Library Center — has been “a place to browse books and browse ideas,” says Chris Pitts, President of the Waban Improvement Society, which oversees the Waban Library Center. The land and building were donated as one of Newton’s branch libraries by generous…

Indigenous Peoples Day in Newton — 2022

“We’ve waited a lifetime for this day,“ Annawon Weedon, master of ceremonies, told the crowd of approximately 800 people gathered on October 10 at Albemarle Park for Newton’s Second Indigenous Peoples Day event. Weedon noted that there are holidays celebrating Italian, Jewish, and other cultures, but until now, there had…

Intersection: Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada and Rev. Domenick Ackerman

Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada According to his bio on the website, “Robert is of Nahua/Chichimeca Zacatecati ancestry, and born and raised in Huchiun, occupied Ohlone Lisjan (Oakland, California),” and with his wife, Mayeta “Yaxochitl” Quesda, founded the “Calpulli Coyoxochitl dance group. Robert, who was the lead dancer and keeper of…

American Rescue Plan Act: What’s in it for Newton? (Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety!)

Newton’s share of the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)is $63,000,000. How is Mayor Fuller allocating the money? Along with expenditures for the Newton Police Department’s HVAC improvements for $1,400,000; $2,000,000 in Household Assistance for low-income residents and those negatively affected by the pandemic; $50,000 for a Newton Centre Outdoor…

Lochtree’s many ways to save the planet

“At Lochtree, we make it easy to find great eco-friendly & zero-waste products.” If you’ve been to Newton’s Tuesday Farmers Market, you may have noticed the Lochtree booth and Lochtree’s founder, Henry Palmer. Lochtree is an online marketer selling an eclectic range of environment-friendly sustainable products and applying some of…

Zoning Framework for Village Centers: Your Comments, Please

View presentation online or at the Newton Free Library; Provide your feedback by October 16 On September 1, the Planning Department mounted the Zoning and Planning Committee’s Village Center Zoning Redesign framework governing changes to height and footprint of buildings, village center density, special and by-right permits, parking requirements, multiple…

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