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Real Property Reuse will discuss fate of Walker Center parcels, Mar. 28

The City Council’s Real Property Reuse Committee is set to meet on Thursday, March 28 to discuss a request to put a portion of the City-owned section of the Walker Center property up for sale or lease. The original Walker Center site was split into two parcels, with private developer Civico purchasing one portion and the City purchasing the other.

The City’s original intent with the acquisition was to use a portion of the open space for future flexible use for the Williams School, with the structures preserved and possibly repurposed for affordable housing.

Regarding the privately owned parcel, the developer has requested an amendment to the Special Permit that was granted, which required the developer to have two affordable units on site. The developer is claiming economic hardship to do that but is willing to make a cash payment to the City’s Inclusionary Zoning fund in lieu of building the two affordable units. At the February 6 meeting of the Land Use Committee, the developer’s attorney suggested the possibility of using those funds for affordable units in the two existing historic homes that are part of the City’s portion of the property. The City’s Inclusionary Zoning rules, however, require that any funds that are paid in lieu of providing on-site housing must be split between the Newton Housing Authority and the Affordable Housing Trust, which may use those funds for affordable housing anywhere in the City.

The Real Property Reuse Committee will consider a request by the Planning Director to put a portion of the City’s parcel up for sale or lease. The Committee will take public comment on this matter at the meeting.

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