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City Council creates Community Dialog Working Group

In a February 5 memo to the City Council, President Marc Laredo and Vice President David Kalis announced the formation of a new working group to “help heal our community.” The working group will be led by Ward 1 Councilor John Oliver. Other members include Ward 2 Councilor David Micley, Ward 4 Councilor Josh Krintzman, Ward 6 Councilor Martha Bixby, and Ward 6 Councilor Alan Lobovits.

According to the memo, the group will “examine how the City Council can contribute to the recovery after the strike” and “will be charged with developing a set of specific recommendations as to how the City Council can help our community better understand City finances and, working with other City leaders, engage in efforts to create greater trust and civility in the city.” The group will report its recommendations to the full Council no later than March 15.”

The first meeting of the Community Dialog Working Group will be virtual (Zoom link) this Thursday, February 8 at 7PM (see Agenda).

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