On December 19, President-Elect Marc Laredo and Vice President-Elect David Kalis announced their assignments of City Councilors to the Council’s seven standing committees for the 2024-25 term. The incoming Council leaders emphasized that in making these assignments, they “paid careful attention to making sure that leadership roles are distributed fairly and Committees represent a diversity of views.” Each committee is assigned one Councilor from each ward.
- Finance: Gentile (Chair), Malakie (Vice Chair), Bixby, Greenberg, Grossman, Humphrey, Lipof, Micley
- Land Use: Kelley (Chair), Lucas (Vice Chair), Block, Downs, Farrell, Laredo, Leary, Lobovits
- Programs and Services: Krintzman (Chair), Humphrey (Vice Chair), Baker, Farrell, Lobovits, Malakie, Micley, Oliver
- Public Facilities: Albright (Chair), Leary (Vice Chair), Danberg, Gentile, Getz, Kelley, Laredo, Kalis
- Public Safety and Transportation: Grossman (Chair), Downs (Vice Chair), Bixby, Block, Greenberg, Lipof, Lucas, Wright
- Real Property Reuse: Danberg (Chair), Lucas (Vice Chair), Gentile, Getz, Laredo, Lipof, Malakie, Oliver
- Zoning and Planning: Baker (Chair), Oliver (Vice Chair), Albright, Danberg, Getz, Kalis, Krintzman, Wright