The Newton Conservators will hold its First-Ever Outdoor Annual Dinner Meeting on Wednesday, May 24, starting at 5PM with hors d’oeuvres and cash bar, followed at 6:30PM by dinner, business meeting, awards ceremony, and keynote speaker. This outdoor event will take place under a tent on the University of Massachusetts, Amherst’s beautiful Mount Ida Campus in Newton. Reserve tickets ($45) by May 15.
The keynote speaker, Norman Smith, is a Raptor Specialist from Mass Audubon. He will speak about “Snowy Owls to Saw-whet Owls.” Since 1981, Mr. Smith has been observing, capturing, banding, and relocating Snowy Owls at Logan International Airport. His work developed in an unusual way to include research on Saw-whet Owls. His slides, sense of humor, and depth of knowledge are remarkable.