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What’s up in Newton this week – 3/12/2023

City Council

Zoning and Planning will meet TONIGHT at 7PM and discuss:

  • Appointment of Jyothsna Buddharaju to the Planning & Development Board
  • Continued discussion of Village Center Zoning with Planning staff to lead a discussion on parking requirements, how to treat city-owned properties, whether to have special permit options and for what, and new metrics for VC1.

Finance Committee will meet TONIGHT at 7PM and discuss:

  • Five requests to accept and expend grants:
    • $11,939 from the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) to improve the City’s conformance with FDA retail program standards
    • $100,000 from Mass Department of Energy Resources for LED lighting at NSHS and completion of insulation, weatherstripping, and installation of heat pumps at Fire Station 1
    • Two from MassDOT to support NewMo ($190,000 for seniors and $712,459 for the general)
    • One from MassDEP to support public access charging for 5 EV chargers with 10 total ports: 2 chargers on Washington Street itself across from 1385 Washington Street (in accordance with the West Newton Village Square Enhancement project), 2 chargers at Pleasant Street Lot, and 1 charger at the Pearl Street Lot. The City’s vendor, Greenspot, will purchase, install, and operate these EV charging stations.
  • Two appropriation requests:
    • $4,340,000 (75% grant funding and 25% interest-free loan from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewer Infiltration/Inflow Local Financial Assistance Program Phase 14) for constructing Sewer CIP Project 9,
    • $33,289 from the Energy Stabilization Fund to complete the replacement of thermostats and control valves at Fire Station 1.
  • The Chair anticipates No Action Necessary on a discussion item regarding Newton’s Economic Stability/Mobility Initiative – A Partnership with EMPath.

School Committee

The School Committee will meet TONIGHT, beginning with a 30-minute Executive Session to discuss strategy regarding negotiations with the NTA and then resuming in Open Session to discuss:

The Negotiations Subcommittee will meet on Thursday in Executive Session to conduct a collective bargaining session with the NTA, Units A-E, and to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining.

Boards and Commissions

Commission on Disability will meet TONIGHT and discuss the following:

  • Remembering Girard Plante
  • New Lincoln-Eliot School presentation
  • MAAB Variance Request: 15, 21 Lexington Street
  • COD Representation on Fair Housing Committee &Bike/Ped Advisory

Fair Housing Lottery Results and Lease Up Subcommittee will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following:

  • Recap on work accomplished during the first year of the subcommittee
  • Workplan and priorities for the coming year

Newton Free Library Trustees Development Committee will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following:

  • Report from the Development Director
  • Update from Spring Fling Development Chair

Economic Development Commission will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following:

  • Discuss and vote on the 2023 EDC Priorities
  • Updates and discussion on strengthening village centers, business-friendly policies and programs and services, increasing Newton’s commercial tax base – California Street study, and DEI

Auburndale Historic District Commission will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following:

Community Preservation Committee will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following:

Board of Assessors will meet on Wednesday and vote to approve February 2023 Exemption and Abatement Reports.

Design Review Committee will meet on Wednesday and discuss the following:

  • Design updates for NewCAL
  • Schematic Design for Gath Pool Renovation Project

Transportation Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday and will discuss the following:

  • City staff updates and discussion (Josh Ostroff, Director of Transportation Planning)
  • Legislative update from City Councilors, including PS&T
  • Recap on Albemarle/Crafts and Safe Routes to School update
  • Discussion, including override results

Chestnut Hill Historic District Commission will meet on Thursday and discuss the following:

  • 342 Beacon Street – installation of handrail
  • 521 Hammond Street – working session regarding replacement of 13 first-floor windows
  • 9 Old Orchard Road – driveway replacement, apron improvements, and installation of electrical service shut-off. In addition, final approval is requested on the rest of the project work.

Urban Tree Commission will meet on Friday to discuss the following:

  • Welcome new member, Ruth Goldman
  • Forestry Department update
  • Tree removal requests
  • Review the status of proposed changes to the City Tree Ordinance


Special Election on Tuesday, March 14 on the proposed override and two debt exclusions. Polls are open from 7AM – 8PM. Polling locations.

NewMo Micro Transit Program: Since September 2022, the NewMo Program has received $268,327 from a combination of mitigation funds from two development projects (Trio and 15 Riverdale), a contribution from UMass at Mt. Ida, and funding from the State’s FY2023 budget. This week, the Finance Committee is expected to approve the acceptance of two MassDOT grants:  $190,000 from the MassDOT Community Transit Grant Program for the senior program and $712,459 from the MassDOT Community Connections Program for the general ridership program. If approved, that will bring the total received from these sources to $1,170,786. In addition, a portion of the $500,000 allocated for Senior Services programming and operations in the proposed override is expected to be used to support senior transportation services through NewMo.

This week’s road construction schedule can be found here.

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