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Service Stars offers kids a chance to get involved in service and social justice

In 2018, Kelly Comings and her husband Andy decided to create a summer camp. Both educators, she in Holliston and he at Day Middle School, wanted to create opportunities to get kids involved in service and social justice. They initially created Service Stars, a two-week program with Day Middle School educator Samantha Genier, and it was so successful that they expanded the program to include school vacation weeks and a two-day after-school program.

The after-school program, currently housed at the Newton Presbyterian Church (across from the Underwood Elementary School), offers kids a chance to learn about community issues and make an impact with fun, hands-on projects. Service Stars has after-school programs on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and the Wednesday program has vans from JSC Transportation to pick up kids from six different elementary schools and drop them off for a full afternoon of activities.

Service Stars has partnered with local businesses like Hip Stitch and Newtonville Books, and local non-profits like the Newton Food Pantry and Welcome Home, to make housewarming baskets for refugee families, bags for kids in foster care, and toy boxes and pillowcases for kids in hospitals. Each project begins with a lesson featuring slides, videos, and picture books to educate the children on how their efforts are making an impact. In addition to family participation, Service Stars has created a high-school internship program, hiring counselors for its camp and afterschool programs.

Future projects include making plarn (plastic yarn) out of plastic bags for Matting Change, to be crocheted into mats for the homeless. Service Stars will also partner with Fulfilled Goods and to help kids learn about sustainability and waste reduction by decorating reusable containers for their houses and getting a tour and shopping opportunity at the refillery. On Wednesday, February 15, Service Stars participants will deliver valentines to seniors at Evans Park senior housing in Newton Corner and on Thursday, they will decorate cookies with seniors, exchange valentines, and play bingo at Cabot Park Village.

While the Wednesday Early Release Program is currently full, parents can sign up for the waitlist. Spots are still available for the Thursday after-school program and summer camp.

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