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Newton Dems webinar on 4OurFuture climate-saving opportunities

On Wednesday, September 14, the Newton Democratic City Committee‘s Climate Crisis Subcommittee hosted a webinar on residential climate opportunities. In it, the City of Newton’s Energy Coach, Liora Silkes, discussed the City’s 4OurFuture campaign to educate residents about four steps they can take to help Newton meet its goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.

The second half of the webinar was a live energy-coaching session in which webinar organizer Gary Rucinski presented information about his home and learned from volunteer energy coach Bob Persons about things Gary, as resident owner, should or could do to address specific energy inefficiencies in his home. Bob reviewed Gary’s electric bills and fuel oil bills to assess the home’s current energy profile. He then followed up with some actions that Gary could take that were tailored to the home’s age, location, and proximity to shade trees.

The webinar ended with a Q&A session in which Liora and Bob answered questions from the audience. A recording of the video is here, and other webinars produced by the Newton Democratic City Committee’s Climate Crisis Committee can be found on the committee’s YouTube Channel.

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