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City Council Committee Meetings – Week of April 17

Public Safety and Transportation Committee

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:30 p.m.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting or call 1‐646‐558 8656 and use the following Meeting ID: 851 2752 2606

The agenda includes the following:

  • Request to approve a 25% design for the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway Redesign Project in Auburndale. The Council needs to select one of two alternatives for the Ash Street intersection portion of this state‐funded project.

Public Facilities Committee

The Public Facilities Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting or call 1-646-558 8656 and use the following Meeting ID: 851 2752 2606

The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a grant of location to install and maintain a gas main in Hancock Street, Graydale Circle, and Woodland Road
  • Appointment of Christina Abele as a community member of the Design Review Committee for the Horace Mann School Project
  • Request to amend Chapter 29 by adding a new Article VIII and for Chapter 17, Section 16, and 21 Fees to be paid to the Department of Public Works and General Fines of the City of Newton Revised Ordinances to define the language, provide enforcement, establish permit fees and fines for violations of the stormwater management and erosion control ordinance established in Article VIII.
  • Request to provide an update on the Transportation Network Improvement Plan.

Chair’s Note: The Committee will be joined by Public Safety & Transportation to discuss item #239-22

  • Request for approval of a 25% design for the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway Redesign Project in Auburndale. The Council needs to select one of two alternatives for the Ash street intersection portion of this state-funded project.
  • Request for an update from the Commissioner of Public Works and the Planning Director on the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway project along with a discussion about the future of the traffic light at Ash Street.

Programs and Services Committee

The Programs and Services Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting or call 1-646-558 8656 and use the following Meeting ID: 841 9929 2187.

The agenda includes the following:

City Clerk
Parks, Recreation, and Culture

NOTE: The agenda refers to a link on the Comptroller’s webpage for budget information but FY2023’s Budget information has not been posted and will not be until after the Mayor’s Budget Address on Tuesday, April 19th at the Full City Council meeting.

  • Submittal of the Fiscal Years 2023 to 2027 Capital Improvement Plan pursuant to Section 5‐3 of the Newton City Charter
  • Submittal, in accordance with Section 5‐1 of the City of Newton Charter the FY23 Municipal/School Operating Budget, the passage of which shall be concurrent with the FY23‐FY27 Capital Improvement Program – NOTE: EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUBMISSION 04/19/22; LAST DATE TO PASS THE BUDGET 06/03/22
  • Submittal of the FY23 – FY27 Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan.
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