Initially funded by its founders, Fig City News registered as a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation and became Federally tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) in October 2022 and began accepting donations in November, 2022. Donations are tax-deductible. This page acknowledges sources of funding received.
Donations in 2024-2025
Donations to support Fig City News may be made online or by check.
- Anonymous (Each of 62 anonymous donors in this time period has given less than $500 per year. In accordance with Institute for Nonprofit News guidelines, all anonymous donations in aggregate are less than 15% of total revenue.)
- Lynn & Hal Abelson
- Stephen & Maria Alimonti
- Amy Allen
- Eric & Monica Allon
- Susan Amster and Kenneth Leonetti
- Adrienne Bachand
- Claudette & Yonatan Beit-Aharon
- Mary Lee Belleville
- Jessica Benjamin
- Bernie & Melissa Bernstein
- Barbara Bix
- Peter Boberg & Sunwoo Kahng
- Anne Born
- Judy Boroschek
- Sue Bottigheimer
- Alicia Bowman
- Elaine Bresnick
- Cody Bronson
- Hugh Brown
- Kelley Brown
- Tom Brown
- Shelly Buckler
- Peggy Burchenall & Dan Reagan
- Cindy Callaway
- Eric Callinan
- Dante Capasso
- Jeff Caputi
- Robert Carter
- Lucie Chansky
- Phil Chapnik & Rachel Freed
- Fran Clancy
- Douglas Clott
- Carolyn and John Craven
- Sherry Cohen
- Iva Comey
- Stephen Comey
- Alison Conant
- Martha Connors
- Marcia Cooper
- Michael Costello
- Brian Coutu
- Judith Curby & Gayle Smalley
- Kevin B Currid
- Rose & David Day
- Margie Decter
- Jodi Detjen
- Sue & Bill Dickinson
- Peter Dimond & Liz Preston
- Bev & Tom Droz
- Dryft Wellesley
- Mary Duket
- Dunn Gaherins
- Claire Dunne
- Michael Durkin
- Robert Ellertsen
- Angela Epshtein
- Dr. Andrew Epstein
- Shara Ertel
- Roxanne Etmekjian
- Carol Faber
- Steven Feinstein
- Linda Fenton
- Alice & Chris Fink
- Cheryl Forte
- Gita Foster
- Jane & Rich Frantz
- Susan Friedman
- Jonathan Frieze
- Robert Fizek
- Thomas Gagen
- Kenneth Adam Galdston
- Tami Gambiza
- Amy Gates
- Gloria Gavris
- Jill Geiger
- Soumya Ghosh
- Thomas Gloria & Andrea Roman
- Anne Goldbach
- Ellie Goldberg
- Jonathan Goldberg
- Eric & Marion Golin
- Kent Gonzales
- Richard Gordon
- Adam Gorin
- Paul Gross
- Leo Hannenberg and Gig Moineau
- Martha Harney
- Harris Family
- Betsy & David Harris
- Barry Hass
- Alex Hassinger
- Elaine Hatow
- Barney Heath
- Jeff Hecht
- David Hedison
- Elizabeth Heilig
- David Helfman
- Bruce & Frances Henderson
- Emma Henderson
- Marcia & Jeff Herrmann
- Lilly Hicks
- Barry Hock
- Steve & Mindy Hoberman
- Paula & Quinn Hogan
- Meg Homer
- Bill and Bernice Homer
- Jeanne Hopkins
- Larissa Hordynsky
- Stuart Horowitz
- Ann Houston
- Cheryl Jakielo
- Faith Justice
- Karen Kafka
- Peter Kalil
- Dillon Kamutenga
- James Kaplan
- Alex Katz
- Ellen Katz & Jay Werb
- Marc Kaufman
- Patricia Kellogg
- Adrienne Knudsen
- Jennifer Kordell
- Theodore Kuklinski
- Ian Lamont, Auburndale
- Nika Lane
- Lori & Eric Lass
- Vickki Lavoie
- Amelia LeClair
- Beatrice Lee
- William Leitch
- Joyce Leonardo
- Douglas Levy
- Jeffrey Lieb
- Tenley Lien
- Jack Lifsitz
- Leonore Linsky
- Brooke & Paul Lipsitt
- Mike Lipton & Anita Rossiter
- Roslyn Lo
- Mary Logalbo
- Barbara Love
- Edward Lyon
- Serafina Magni
- Dilen Marra
- Kevin Martin
- Nancy Mattei & Neil MacGaffey
- Thomas McBride
- Susan McCormack
- Ryan McGlothlin
- Anne McKinnon
- Josephine McNeil
- Edward Mehrez
- Julie Melville
- Jennifer Minard
- Debra Monahan
- Karen Mondell
- Lisa Moriarty
- Eileen Morrison
- Gordon Morrison
- Madelyn & Henry Morrissey
- Abraham Morse
- Brigid Munshi
- Ron and Mary Jo Murphy
- Laney Mutize
- Meghan Myers
- Zivanai Myrvaagnes
- Peter Neumann
- Emily Norton
- Phil Notick
- R. Christopher O’Brien & Karen Howard
- Ricky Ochilo
- Deirdre O’Connor
- Emily O’Neil
- David Outerbridge
- Ellen Penso
- Dave Persampieri & Betsy Harper
- Robert Persons
- Susan Phillips
- Kathy Pillsbury
- Peter Pinch
- Donna & David Podolsky
- Amanda Pontow
- Kathryn Potter
- Jack Prior
- Sarah Rahman
- Greg Reibman
- Ian Reid & Wendy Wheeler
- Dennis Rieske AIA, Developmental Resources, Inc.
- John Risko
- Virginia Robinson
- Erick Rodriguez
- John Rolston
- David Rosenblatt
- Leonard & Patricia Rosenthal
- Donald F. Ross, Jr.
- Elena Rutrick
- Allison Saltzman
- Barbara Saltzstein
- Amy & John Sangiolo
- Peter Sargent
- Sachiko Sato
- Terry Sauro
- Barbara Schmitt
- Ingrid Schroffner
- Lauren Schulz
- Marva Serotkin
- Alice Shabecoff
- Daniel & Laura Shaw
- Alvin Shelton
- Linda Sherman
- Carolyn Shoemaker
- Diane Shufro
- Candy Sidner
- Steven Siegel
- Andy Silverman
- Stacie Simon & Hal Tepfer
- Richard Simonelli
- Patricia Slate
- Karen & Jon Slote
- Karen Smith
- Bob & Beth Smith
- Miles Smith
- Paul Spagnoli
- Demie Stathoplos
- Ursula Steele
- Jean Stehle
- Elizabeth Stover
- Douglas & Christine Stuart
- Lisa Svensson
- Lisa Templeton
- Susan Tornheim
- Anike Tourse
- Margaret Van Gelder
- David Veloz
- Ronald Walker
- Debra Waller & Justin Sallaway
- Tamara Weider
- Adam Weitzman
- The Wermers
- Enid Wetzner
- Kaj Wilson & Alan Spatrick
- Paul D. Wilson & Mary B. Donchez
- Jim Wilton
- Linda D. Winslow
- Jordyne Wu
- Marc & Tori Zissman
Grants in 2024
- Bang-Woel Lu Foundation
- Brunell-Lichtblau Fund
- Rotary Club of Newton
- Sacajawea Charitable Foundation
In-Kind Donations
- Joel Shames, at Shames & Litwin
- Matthew Yospin, at The Law Office of Matthew M. Yospin