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Grieser: Vote for six candidates who oppose VCOD zoning

Although the ballot doesn’t mention it, this election is about the Administration’s Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) zoning proposal and the majority City Councilors who support it. The VCOD, a boon to wealthy real estate entities, will upzone most of Newton’s village centers and nearby residential streets for some 14,600…

Day & Goldbach: VCOD — So many open questions

Multiple concerns and issues regarding the VCOD must still be addressed. Ultimately, the City Council should separately vote on compliance with the MBTA Communities Act and provisions of the VCOD.  Numerous Questions: What is the projected target population for Newton? What will be the impact on services, including schools, parking, police,…

RightSize Newton: MBTA Communities now, VCOD later

As our website, states, RightSize Newton feels that we should implement the MBTA Communities Law and postpone the VCOD plan. “By law, we have until December 31, 2023, to comply with the MBTA law, which means that we need to zone for 8,330 units by that date. That’s what we should…

Glasgow: I support VCOD for a vibrant, successful future

I fully support the proposed Village Center Overlay District. This is the pragmatic thing to do and this is the time to do it. Trying to hang on to a fantasy past that doesn’t meet today’s needs is not only foolish, it is harmful. This means that I also support…

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