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Crafts Street – Senior Housing Development Proposal – Presentation – April 25th – 5:30PM

Crafts Street – Senior Housing Development Proposal: The Ward 1 and Ward 2 Councilors have arranged a presentation by SRG Senior Housing and Mark Development on their proposed project – elderly housing with services, for Crafts Street – (129 independent living units; 56 assisted living beds, and 26 memory care…

Commonwealth Carriageway Project – Meeting -April 25th- 5:30 PM

Commonwealth Carriageway Project – The Ward 4 City Councilors have organized a Zoom meeting for Monday, April 25th at 5:30 p.m. regarding the Commonwealth Carriageway Project. Join the Zoom meeting, here. The Commonwealth Carriageway Project, funded through MassDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program ($5.9 million confirmed for FY2023) is designed to…

Budget Meetings in Full Swing this Week

Budget Meetings in Full Swing: This week, the City Council will be reviewing the following departmental budgets this week: Comptroller/Retirement, Treasurer, Purchasing, Public Buildings, Assessing, Human Resources, Financial Services, and Executive/Sustainability. In addition, the Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m.…

Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan

In addition to the FY2023 Budget, the Mayor presented the Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan (Supplemental CIP) amending the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) submitted to the Council last October. Major changes to the CIP were outlined in the submittal memo include the following: New Projects: Feasibility study for an indoor…

Mayor Presents FY2023 Budget to City Council

The Mayor presented the FY2023 Budget – $480 million Operating Budget, $61 million in Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Enterprise funding, and $5.6 million in Community Preservation funds. Delivering her presentation remotely, the Mayor stated that this year’s budget represents at 3.5% increase to the school budget ($262M) and a 3% increase…

School Committee votes to approve FY2023 Budget

The School Committee voted to approve the Superintendent’s recently updated proposed FY2023 budget at its meeting on Tuesday, April 12th. The approved budget is approximately an $8.8 million increase over the FY2022 Budget. After the School Committee sent this resolution on March 31st, 12 members of the Newton City Council…

What’s Up in Newton — Week of 4/17/2022

COVID-19 Update: The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases has risen to13,161 and sadly, the number of COVID-19 related deaths has also increased to 200. The Newton data can be found here and the NPS data can be found here (numbers are rising). Presentation of FY2023 Budget: The Mayor is…

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