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Posts published in “What’s up in Newton?”

What’s Up in Newton this week – 5/7/2023

=>Key Points This Week<= Budget reviews this week: The new Village Center Zoning maps (and compliance with MBTA Communities Act) will be discussed TONIGHT at Zoning and Planning Committee. City Council will continue its Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss Retirement’s Board request for COLA increase as well as substantive…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 4/30/2023

=>Key Points this Week<= Mayor Fuller will present the FY2024 Municipal/School Operating Budget and the FY24 – FY28 Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan after first call of Reports at the City Council Meeting TONIGHT. City Council to vote on $1.15M for Franklin School feasibility study and ordinance regulating embodied carbon in…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 4/23/2023

=>Key Points this Week<= City Council Finance will meet TONIGHT to discuss the following: Zoning and Planning will meet TONIGHT to discuss the following: Land Use will meet on Tuesday to discuss the following requests: Full City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday to discuss…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 4/16/2023

City Council Full City Council to meet on Tuesday at 7:45PM. The Council is expected to vote on the following (see Reports Docket): The New Docket includes the following: Programs and Services will meet on Wednesday and discuss the following: Public Facilities will meet on Wednesday and discuss the following:…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 4/9/2023

City Council Zoning and Planning will meet on Monday to discuss the following: Finance will meet on Monday to discuss the following: Financial Audit Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday to discuss the following: See City of Newton FY 22 ACFR, City of Newton FY 22 Management Letter, City of…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 4/2/2023

City Council Full Council will meet TONIGHT and vote on the following (see Reports Docket): The New Docket includes the following: Land Use will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following: There will be no City Council committee meetings (Programs and Services, Public Safety and Transportation, and Public Facilities) on…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 3/26/2023

City Council Zoning and Planning will meet twice this week. Finance will meet TONIGHT to discuss: Free Cash appropriation request to fund transportation for homeless students, transfer request of funds from full-time salaries to full-time consultants for Human Resources, transfer request of funds to fulfill two 3-year agreements with AFSCME…

What’s Up in Newton this week – 3/19/2023

City Council The Full City Council will meet TONIGHT. Items in the Reports Docket include: The New Docket includes: Land Use will meet on Tuesday and discuss the following requests: Public Facilities will meet on Wednesday and join the Programs and Services Committee to discuss the Gath Pool project. Programs…

What’s up in Newton this week – 3/12/2023

City Council Zoning and Planning will meet TONIGHT at 7PM and discuss: Finance Committee will meet TONIGHT at 7PM and discuss: School Committee The School Committee will meet TONIGHT, beginning with a 30-minute Executive Session to discuss strategy regarding negotiations with the NTA and then resuming in Open Session to…

What’s up in Newton this week – 3/5/2023

City Council City Council Committee Chairs will meet TONIGHT to discuss Council Rules, the use of the Sunshine Fund, in-person attendance, Open Meeting Law Reminders, and Docket Tracking system. Full City Council will meet TONIGHT at 7:45PM. The Council is expected to vote on the following: Land Use Committee will…

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