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Posts published in “Newton Corner”

Nonantum/Newton Corner Village Center Zoning Input Session draws 100 participants

One hundred people attended the seventh and final virtual information session of the Planning Department’s Village Center Zoning Redesign. The presentation demonstrated proposed changes to current zoning with maps highlighting the new designations in Newton Corner and Nonantum. In addition to the villages’ three City Councilors — John Oliver, Alison…

Zoning and Planning Committee receives preliminary mapping of proposed districts in Village Centers

In its October 24 meeting, the City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee reviewed a presentation of the preliminary mapping of proposed zoning districts in Village Centers. The presentation was made by the City’s consultant for this project, Utile, under the direction of the Planning Department. These selected slides from the…

Nine Newton Artful Pianos

Nine pianos have been donated, decorated, and installed in village centers for everyone’s enjoyment from now until Labor Day. Each piano is a centerpiece of music, art, and community, providing opportunities for residents to connect with their creativity and with each other through planned events and impromptu concerts. The pianos…

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