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Posts published in “Lower Falls”

Lane restrictions and overnight detours on Mass Pike / I-95 North interchange

The next four years of MassDOT’s project to replace or repair eight bridges around the Mass Pike (I-90) and I-95 interchange will require lane restrictions and occasional overnight detours to keep the construction work safe. Fig City News has prepared these maps to illustrate our understanding of the MassDOT announcements.…

PorchFest in pictures

Photos cannot do justice to the sites, sounds, community, and variety of this year’s Newton PorchFest. The afternoon of June 1 offered 121 performances across 70 porches and driveways in Auburndale, Lower Falls, and Waban. The event was sponsored by The Village Bank, Newton Community Pride, and Jack’s Abby (which…

The Great Bagel Blizzard of Lower Falls

It started with an innocent question on our Newton Lower Falls neighborhood listserv by neighbor Lisa Ruckinski. Knowing that it was a controversial question, she asked where was the best place to buy bagels in Newton? The recommendations flew fast and furious, but alas, few were actually in Newton. Opinions got…

Music for Food: Two artistic events, helping others, at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Nov. 18

On November 18, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (258 Concord St., Newton Lower Falls) will host two beautiful events: The concert is free with a suggested donation of $30 to benefit Newton Food Pantry.. If you cannot attend and want to support the event, you may make a donation. For more information, email Ann Bonner-Stewart…

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