On July 30 (rain date: July 31) at 2PM, Historic Newton will host a fun, leisurely-paced ride to explore some of Newton’s recreation areas: Crystal Lake, Newton Centre Playground, and the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, once a popular destination for 19th century bicyclists. The six-mile loop starts and ends at Landry’s…
Posts published in “Chestnut Hill”
The City Council’s Land Use Committee opened public hearings last week on two proposals for significant development projects, and both remain open for public comment. The two projects are: Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to rezone two parcels: 11 Florence Street from MR1 to BU4 and 318 Boylston Street (Sunrise…
The Chestnut Hill Historic District Commission will meet virtually (go here for Zoom link) on Thursday, July 28th at 7:00 p.m. The agenda includes the following: Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to build a shed; extend the back patio to build a terrace structure with a pool, pool fence,…