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Posts published in “Chestnut Hill”

23 Newton food stars to showcase their offerings at the CRRC’s Spring Seasonings, Apr. 8

For the first time in four years, the Charles River Regional Chamber (CRRC) will host Spring Seasonings: A Taste of Our Towns in person at the Newton Marriott Hotel, on April 8, 5:30-8PM. The event will feature offerings from local restaurants, caterers, and beverage providers in Needham, Newton, Watertown, and…

Chestnut Hill Square hosts canned-food donation drive for Newton Food Pantry, through Nov. 19

Chestnut Hill Square is collecting much needed food and personal care items to benefit The Newton Food Pantry now through November 19, 2023. Items collected will be used to stock the shelves of the food pantry and support their goal of alleviating food insecurity in Newton by providing supplemental food…

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