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Posts published in “Newton Centre”

23 Newton food stars to showcase their offerings at the CRRC’s Spring Seasonings, Apr. 8

For the first time in four years, the Charles River Regional Chamber (CRRC) will host Spring Seasonings: A Taste of Our Towns in person at the Newton Marriott Hotel, on April 8, 5:30-8PM. The event will feature offerings from local restaurants, caterers, and beverage providers in Needham, Newton, Watertown, and…

Newton WinterFEST Events, Jan. 27-28

Newton Community Pride (NCP) will host its third annual WinterFEST during the weekend of January 27-28 with events — all free and open to all — in Cold Spring Park, Newton Highlands, Newton Centre, and Newtonville. (Download flyer.) January 27, 10AM, at Cold Spring Park: Newton Conservators and Olaf from…

Civetta: Four Corners is not a village

As a lifelong resident or homeowner in Newton, I learned the 13 villages of the City of Newton in 4th or 5th grade. I can assure you that Four Corners is not an official village. To list it as one is misleading. It is a neighborhood of Newton Center and…

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