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Posts published in “Newton Centre”

Halloween Window Painting and party, Oct. 26

Newton Cultural Development (NCD) is hosting Halloween Window Painting — the 25th anniversary of this event. Student painters in grades 3-8 (with adult supervision) will be able to paint Halloween-themed masterpieces within these guidelines on participating merchants’ windows. Help celebrate 25 years of Halloween Window Painting by participating. Then join…

SHOL Newton: Trunk or Treat, Oct. 27

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative (SHOL Newton) are hosting Trunk or Treat, a trick-or-treating style event in which kids and families can walk around a parking lot to get candy from people’s car trunks. There will also be games and crafts. The event will take place on Sunday, October…

Commonwealth Chorale: Auditions, Sept. 10

Commonwealth Chorale is hosting auditions for singers of all voice types who have strong vocal and sight-reading skills — especially those singing tenor and bass. Auditions will be held on August 26-27, 6-9PM and September 3 and 10, 5:30-6:45PM, at the First Baptist Church (848 Beacon Street, Newton Centre). Apply here. For more…

Sam Farmer: Author Talk — “A Long Walk Down a Winding Road – Small Steps, Challenges, & Triumphs Through an Autistic Lens”, Sept. 18

Sam Farmer will be hosting an author talk for his book, A Long Walk Down a Winding Road – Small Steps, Challenges, & Triumphs Through an Autistic Lens, which aims to inspire and empower the reader. It will take place on Wednesday, September 18, 7-8PM at the Druker Auditorium in…

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