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Posts published in “Newton Centre”

Grade 1 hazardous gas leak discovered between City Hall and Eversource substation — emergency repair in progress

At 4:30 PM on Wednesday night, Newton resident Nathan Phillips — who has been raising the alarm over what he considers an unsafe degree of leaks from National Grid gas piping in the area — measured an explosive level of methane (6%) in an Eversource electrical manhole on Homer Street…

Newton Democrats’ Earth Day climate rally and visibility event, Apr. 22

The Newton Democratic City Committee (NDCC) will hold an Earth Day Climate Rally on Newton Centre Green (1221 Centre Street) on Saturday, April 22, 1PM-3PM. Speakers will include Representative Jake Auchincloss (confirmed), State Senator Cynthia Creem (confirmed), and Mayor Ruthanne Fuller (invited). The Newton Democratic City Committee Climate Crisis Subcommittee,…

WinterFEST on Newton Centre Green

On Sunday afternoon, at least 750 fans of ice sculpture and winter markets congregated on Newton Centre Green to admire the work of Craig McConnell, from Images In Ice. He brought a previously sculpted ice throne, an ice castle, and an ice Mama Bear and baby. As enthusiastic crowds watched, he…

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