An incident on Union Street in Newton Centre last Thursday night inspired this artful response. Todd Miskell, owner of BMBI Fitness, arrived Friday morning to find a gaping hole in one plate glass window on the front of his gym and an outdoor chair askew on the floor inside. Upbeat…
Posts published in “Newton Centre”
Newton Cultural Development’s annual Halloween Window Painting event — October 29 (rain date: October 30), 9AM-4PM — offers opportunity for all Newton students in Grades 3-8 (under adult supervision) to decorate participating merchants’ windows with Halloween-themed artwork. The six villages in this year’s event are Auburndale, Newton Centre, Newton Highlands,…
In its October 24 meeting, the City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee reviewed a presentation of the preliminary mapping of proposed zoning districts in Village Centers. The presentation was made by the City’s consultant for this project, Utile, under the direction of the Planning Department. These selected slides from the…
The Newton’s 47th annual Harvest Festival will take place this Sunday, October 16, 11AM-4PM, on Newton Centre Green featuring live music, entertainment, food, and a record number of exhibitors. Browse crafted goods and learn about local businesses. At the GreenEXPO, you can discover ways to create an environment in better balance…
Historic Newton’s Free Community Weekends open the Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds (286 Waverley Avenue) and the Jackson Homestead )527 Washington Street) free to the public on the first Saturday and Sunday of each month, 10AM-5PM.
The MBTA will temporarily close the Green Line Riverside (D) branch between Kenmore and Riverside, running shuttle buses along the route (except for Beaconsfield) during these closures: September 24-October 2, October 8-16, and October 22-30. Parking lots at Waban and Eliot stations will be not be available during these closures.…
Last Sunday, the Love Dogs rock band was the final act in Newton’s series of six summer concerts on Sunday evenings in Newton Centre. An enthusiastic audience of 300 — the largest audience in the series — attended this concert. Paula Gannon, Director of Newton Cultural Affairs, noted that the first four…
At 3PM each day, August 8-12, Louise Ting, a rising 2nd grader in Newton, will play a short concert of music by Mozart and Tchaikovsky at one of the Artful Pianos installed in various parks in Newton. Louise has just returned from a competition in Europe, and you can hear…
On July 30 (rain date: July 31) at 2PM, Historic Newton will host a fun, leisurely-paced ride to explore some of Newton’s recreation areas: Crystal Lake, Newton Centre Playground, and the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, once a popular destination for 19th century bicyclists. The six-mile loop starts and ends at Landry’s…
The Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum and Revolution 250 are partnering with Historic Newton to place a commemorative marker at the grave of Boston Tea Party participant Obadiah Curtis in the East Parish Burying Ground. This event is part of an initiative to place a commemorative marker at the…