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Posts published in “Newton Centre”

Octogenarians on the March

On a dreary, overcast March 1st, Newton Centre suddenly became the lively, colorful destination for Octogenarians on the March. Approximately 50 people carrying homemade signs gathered at a table under large banners – one quoting Edmund Burke: “Evil Triumphs when Good People Do Nothing” and another, ”Do Something! Stand with…

Revised plan for Newton Centre Plaza draws mixed reactions from businesses and residents

Newton Centre’s Pilot Plaza proposal has been revised after pushback from local businesses and residents, with the City reducing the number of parking spaces removed and shortening the year-long pilot to run only June through October. While some business owners, after these revisions, are cautiously optimistic about economic potential, others…

Newton Free Library: Newton History Series — Collaborations between Irish Americans and Jewish Immigrants, Feb. 13

The Newton Free Library will present a book talk where Historian Hasia Diner will discuss her most recent book, Opening Doors: The Unlikely Alliance Between the Irish and the Jews in America, which discusses how Irish-Americans helped Jewish immigrants to integrate into American society. It will take place on Thursday, February…

Carroll Center for the Blind: Free summit on research on Stargardt eye disease, Feb. 22

The Carroll Center for the Blind will present the 2nd Annual Stargardt Summit on Saturday, February 22, 10AM-4PM both in-person at the Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart (785 Centre Street) and virtually. This free event has speakers and panelists discussing the research of treatments for the Stargardt eye disease, the advancements…

Newton Free Library: Caregivers in Focus — Recognizing and Supporting Family Caregivers in Our Communities, Feb. 26

The Newton Free Library will host a presentation, Caregivers in Focus: Recognizing and Supporting Family Caregivers in Our Communities, where participants can learn about participants the often-overlooked realities of caregiving, deepen their understanding of “caregiver burden” as a pressing public health issue, and leave equipped with actionable insights. It will…

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