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Posts published in “Auburndale”

Mark Development proposes redesign of Riverside project to focus on residential

Mark Development has proposed a revised design for its development project at the MBTA Riverside Station, replacing commercial elements with more residential space. The original (and currently approved) design is a mix of residential, retail, and commercial space — including two large buildings for life sciences, 550 housing units, and…

Rep. Khan: Encouraging the MBTA to leave no stone unturned for improving Commuter Rail

It is extremely encouraging to see the Healey/Driscoll Administration’s determination to make public transportation a major priority and was hopeful when the MBTA applied for a Federal ASAP (All Stations Accessibility Program) Grant to address necessary and critical improvements to the Newtonville Commuter Rail Station. It was unfortunate, however, to…

NEACP: BBQ Party, Aug. 10

New England Association of Chinese Professionals (NEACP) is hosting a BBQ Party with food, drinks, and the chance to connect with other professionals in your field. It will take place on Saturday, August 10, 11:30AM at Auburndale Cove (104 W Pine St, Auburndale). Tickets are $12.50 for NEACP members, and…

PorchFest in pictures

Photos cannot do justice to the sites, sounds, community, and variety of this year’s Newton PorchFest. The afternoon of June 1 offered 121 performances across 70 porches and driveways in Auburndale, Lower Falls, and Waban. The event was sponsored by The Village Bank, Newton Community Pride, and Jack’s Abby (which…

23 Newton food stars to showcase their offerings at the CRRC’s Spring Seasonings, Apr. 8

For the first time in four years, the Charles River Regional Chamber (CRRC) will host Spring Seasonings: A Taste of Our Towns in person at the Newton Marriott Hotel, on April 8, 5:30-8PM. The event will feature offerings from local restaurants, caterers, and beverage providers in Needham, Newton, Watertown, and…

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