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Posts published in “Zoning”

Reibman: Proposed village center zoning will help small businesses

I was both surprised and disappointed to read Carol Todreas’ Fig City op-ed in which she suggested that Newton’s proposed village center rezoning will somehow harm our small retail, restaurants and other shops. To the contrary, we see the plan to allow for the gradual addition of more housing and…

OP-ED: Saving our Village Centers — Retail in the age of Zoning Redesign

Most people want an inviting neighborhood feel to our village centers. We want them to have a sense of place, to be attractive, convenient and to have small local stores and eateries. However, real estate investors see great profit potential in Newton’s current Zoning Redesign proposal for redeveloping our village…

Gagen: Village Center Zoning plan is well conceived

The meeting of the Zoning and Planning Committee on Monday was so packed that the Zoom system was overloaded (it was quickly fixed) and Councilor Deb Crossley, chair of the committee, asked people attending in person to hunt for seats in the balcony. The turnout was a tribute to the…

Jaffee: Frustration at Zoning and Planning hearing

The City Council seemed unprepared for 600 people to attend the 6/26/23 zoning meeting. It was frustrating to see no plan to allow everyone to speak. Sending written comments is just not the same. Councilors must make this process more transparent. I sympathize with those who want to move into…

Belleville: Upzoning public hearing froze many out

Monday night’s “Public Hearing” for the proposed Upzoning of the Village Centers and surrounding neighborhoods was shameful. Over 6000 postcards were mailed and the Mayor promoted it as Resident’s opportunity to weigh in. It was advertised as a hybrid meeting in both the City Hall Chamber and Zoom. However, when…

Newton groups weigh in at Zoning and Planning public hearing

In his testimony at the Zoning and Planning (ZAP) Committee’s public hearing on the Village Center Overlay District zoning proposal, Jeremy Freudberg, President of the Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council, underscored the “significant amount of time” the nine-member Council devotes in its monthly meetings to discussing and analyzing Planning Department…

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