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Posts published in “Zoning”

Monahan: Comments on Peter Harrington’s op-ed

I want to offer two comments related to the opinion piece by Peter Harrington, dated January 9, 2023.  Mr. Harrington’s piece included graphics submitted to ZAP by Marc Hershman with his suggestion of what Waban would look like with the proposed village center zoning.  There are numerous errors and distortions…

OP-ED: The failure of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in Newtonville

The development projects 28 Austin Street and Trio, which opened a few years ago, provide critical case studies by which to evaluate other, forthcoming large developments. One of the presumed benefits of both projects has been that large numbers of their residents would use public transit. That is why the City Council…

Jaffee: Yes, we need to see what our villages will look like

Thank you to Peter Harrington for articulating many of the issues with the zoning “redesign” in his op-ed of 1/9/23. It is impossible to properly give feedback, let alone vote, on the radical re-categorizing of zones without being able to envision what development would be like — especially development “by…

OP-ED: We need to understand what our future villages will look like

In 1970, the committee work on the Board of Aldermen was often conducted in private. The public and Aldermen were, at the whim of the chair, prohibited from attending committee meetings. With the decision to prohibit the public from using graphics at Zoning Redesign meetings, is ZAP returning to those…

Nonantum/Newton Corner Village Center Zoning Input Session draws 100 participants

One hundred people attended the seventh and final virtual information session of the Planning Department’s Village Center Zoning Redesign. The presentation demonstrated proposed changes to current zoning with maps highlighting the new designations in Newton Corner and Nonantum. In addition to the villages’ three City Councilors — John Oliver, Alison…

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