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Posts published in “Transportation”

Governor Healey and Lt. Governor Driscoll introduce new MBTA General Manager at Riverside Station

Governor Maura Healey, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, and Transportation Secretary Gina Fiandaca arrived by the Green Line at Riverside Station to introduce the MBTA’s new General Manager, Phillip Eng. A small group of MBTA employees were on hand to greet their new boss. Mr. Eng, an engineer and former President…

Pillsbury: People who live near transit in Newton really do use it more often

People often wonder what areas in Newton should be considered as locations for transit-oriented development. To look at this question, I researched how people get to work now based on where they live. (The Census Bureau collects data on means of transportation to work broken down by census block groups.)…

Croteau-Chonka: Transit-oriented development (TOD) in Newtonville: a work in progress

Peter Bruce recently raised a very important point about the need to carefully assess the success of city policies on transit-oriented development (TOD) in Newton, but he ultimately came up short in his primary analysis of Newtonville. Bruce noted that $300K of transit subsidies for the TRIO development has been…

MassDOT Route 128/I-95 Study Update

On January 18, the MassDOT hosted its third public hearing on the multi-faceted analysis of land use options along 128/I-95 — from Newton to Lexington — for housing, transportation, and economic development. According to the project fact sheet, “The study will develop and analyze alternatives, present policy and infrastructure recommendations…

Online info session on override and transportation, Feb. 8

Bike Newton, Newton Safe Routes to School, and Newton’s Transportation Advisory Group (TAG) will jointly host an online information session on February 8, 5PM-6PM, on the transportation-related aspects of the proposed operating override. The Q&A session will encompass transportation, streets, sidewalks, bike lanes, student and senior travel, parks, sustainability and…

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