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Posts published in “Students”

WSYMCA: Fall Festival 2024, Oct. 19

The West Suburban YMCA (WSYMCA) is hosting its Fall Festival 2024, a free community event filled with family-friendly activities. Highlights include pumpkin painting, an obstacle course for kids, a petting zoo, fall games, music, and giveaways for the first 100 families. The event is free and open to the public.…

Andromeda of Boston: Halloween 2024 Student Showcase — Featuring live music from Ruby Grove, Oct. 19

Andromeda of Boston is presenting their annual Halloween Party/Student Dance Showcase of dance ranging from MENAHT (Middle Eastern, North African, Hellenic, Turkish) to Asian, Balkan, and Eastern European inspired styles. There will be refreshments and social dancing after the performance, and Live Music from Boston Band Ruby Grove. Costumes are…

Girls Ultimate Frisbee Clinic, Oct. 19

Boston Siege, a competitive women’s ultimate frisbee team, is partnering with BUDA Newton to host a FREE learn-and-play event for female and nonbinary youth players in grades 6-12 at Cold Spring Park (1200 Beacon Street) on October 19, 2:45PM-5:30PM. The event will give players the opportunity to learn new skills, play…

Newton Harvest Fair, Oct. 19-20

The Newton community will celebrate the change of seasons at the Harvest Fair on Newton Center Green (1221 Centre Street, Newton Centre) on the weekend of October 19-20. Saturday, October 19 (10AM-5PM) features a carnival with a kiddie carnival, games, and fair food.  Sunday, October 20 (11AM-4PM) features: For more information…

Paddy’s Road Race, Oct. 20

Newton’s famous fall road race — Paddy’s Road Race – The Shillelagh Shuffle — will take place on October 20, starting at Paddy’s Public House (95 Elm Street, West Newton). It’s run each October to support Newton Athletes Unlimited. Registration is required by October 17 for all three races, which…

Halloween Window Painting and party, Oct. 26

Newton Cultural Development (NCD) is hosting Halloween Window Painting — the 25th anniversary of this event. Student painters in grades 3-8 (with adult supervision) will be able to paint Halloween-themed masterpieces within these guidelines on participating merchants’ windows. Help celebrate 25 years of Halloween Window Painting by participating. Then join…

SHOL Newton: Trunk or Treat, Oct. 27

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative (SHOL Newton) are hosting Trunk or Treat, a trick-or-treating style event in which kids and families can walk around a parking lot to get candy from people’s car trunks. There will also be games and crafts. The event will take place on Sunday, October…

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