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Posts published in “Students”

Earth Day: NSHS students clean up playground, attend Newton Dems climate-action rally

On April 22, returning from a clean-up of the Newton Centre Playground, Newton South High School’s Green Student Movement, Key Club, and UNICEF chapters attended the Newton Democratic City Committee Earth Day rally on the Newton Centre Green.  Although their appearance was unplanned, club leaders and participants said that attending…

Stringfest concert: 100+ students to play at Education Center to protest cuts in music budget, Apr 24

Want to hear beautiful string music tomorrow played by 100+ Newton students protesting the cutting of Elementary Strings from the Newton school budget? On Monday, April 24 at 6PM, over 100 Newton Orchestra and Strings students of all ages from across the district will gather for Stringfest, a concert outside…

Groups demonstrate for and against Newton North drag show [updated]

The Newton Republican City Committee launched a week-long social media campaign announcing a rally on Newton Centre Green on April 13 to protest the planned “ToBeGlad Day” event and drag performance at Newton North High School the next day.

Although the Republican campaign drew Boston media to the Green and a Boston Globe column by Yvonne Abraham, only about 20 people, some not from Newton, gathered to join the protest. They were outnumbered by about 100 people — students, former students, local officials, and residents — who came to support the ToBeGlad Day event. Among both protesters and supporters, there were people who were willing to discuss their positions but preferred not to give their names.

Middlesex D.A. Marian Ryan speaks at Youth Commission meeting

Last Wednesday night marked the Newton Youth Commission’s eighth monthly meeting and the debut of Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan’s Digital Citizenship Academy in Newton. According to Meghan Murtagh,the assistant director of Youth Services, the Youth Commission is a collective of Mayor-appointed youth and adults that meets monthly to discuss…

LigerBots robotics team finishes season strong

Following strong performances at FIRST Robotics Competition District events in Rhode Island and Revere, the Newton LigerBots dual-high-school robotics team qualified for the New England District Championships held in West Springfield last weekend. Competing alongside alliance partners Mayhem Robotics and Air Strike, the LigerBots placed 25th out of 90 teams in West Springfield, nearly…

Students’ views after the override vote

Presented last Wednesday, the proposed budget for FY2024 has created – among many other things – a new topic for conversation. While the verdict of the override was released March 14, it’s the proposed new budget that, when implemented, will determine where and how funding is allocated as well as…

LigerBots — Newton’s high school robotics team — qualifies for New England District Championship!

The LigerBots, Newton’s dual-high-school robotics team, won the Silver medal at the FIRST Robotics League Greater Boston District Competition last weekend at Revere High School. With two alliance partners — the Lobstah Bots and the Crusaders — the LigerBots came from behind to win the Silver Medal and a place…

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