On Tuesday, the Charles River Regional Chamber hosted a one-hour online forum with Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and Interim Superintendent Kathleen Smith to discuss proposals for an operating override and two debt exclusions (see video). After a brief presentation by the Mayor and Interim Superintendent, Chamber president Greg Reibman moderated a…
Posts published in “Seniors”
Moody’s Investors Service assigned a Aaa general obligation limited tax (GOLT) rating today to the City of Newton’s $20.3 million General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan of 2023 Bonds. According to Moody’s, “The issuer rating reflects the city’s ability to repay debt and debt-like obligations without consideration of any pledge, security,…
Jayne Colino, departing Director of Newton’s Department of Senior Services, began her career in Newton in 1990 as Director of Senior Services in the basement of Newtonville’s branch library at 345 Walnut Street. At that time, Senior Services facilities consisted of the children’s reading room, bathroom and two closets —…
To recap: NewCAL received unanimous funding approval from the City Council on August 8, and approval for the site plan and building design on the site of the current Senior Center is proceeding, with a planned opening in 2024. Mayor Ruthanne Fuller recently announced that current programs at the Senior…
The City will hold an online community meeting about the NewCAL project on September 15 at 6:30PM. Register in advance at this Zoom link.
The City Council approved virtually all aspects of the NewCAL project — the site plan review, funding, and acquisition of the adjacent two-family house — at its Full Council meeting on Monday, August 8. The site plan, recommended by the Design Review Committee, was reviewed and approved by the Public…
NewCAL takes center stage this week with its appearance at two City Council committees — Programs and Services and Public Facilities. The Programs and Services Committee will take up at its meeting on Wednesday (see agenda) this request submitted by the Mayor to acquire, by purchase or by friendly eminent…
The American Rescue Plan (ARPA) provides a total of $350 billion in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to help eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments meet their present needs and build the foundation for a strong recovery. According to the Treasury Department’s ARPA Fact-Sheet, ARPA funds may…