On May 31, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced its 2024 All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP) grants for eight projects across the country. The award, totaling $343 million, includes $67 million for MBTA Green Line “B” and “C” branch improvements to make fourteen stops on those lines completely accessible for…
Posts published in “Projects”
Representatives of MassDOT, City staff from Public Works and Planning, elected representatives, and members of the general public met at the Newton Public Library on May 22 for an initial meeting of the Newton Corner Long-Term Planning Study Working Group. The goal of the planning study is to develop and…
On the morning of May 13, bike enthusiasts and City employees and officials gathered for a ribbon cutting to celebrate the opening of the Two-Way Bike Facility on the Carriage Road paralleling Commonwealth Avenue. As Jane Hanser noted, this achievement is the result of work started in 2011 to improve…
All five members of the Newton Zoning Board of Appeals voted to approve the Comprehensive Permit filed by Toll Brothers for a six-story, 184-unit apartment house on Route 9 (528 Boylston Street). The project, in compliance with the state’s Chapter 40B Affordable Housing law, designates 25% of its units as…
On Thursday, May 9 at 6PM, the Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting (Zoom link) to update the community on the Newton Highlands Village Enhancement Project. During the meeting, DPW is expected to present its preferred concept for street design of Lincoln and Walnut Streets.…
On May 1, Newton’s Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) held its eighth and final public hearing on the Comprehensive Permit under Chapter 40B sought by Toll Brothers for a six-story apartment complex on Route 9. The hearing included additional information about the project’s impact on the site’s groundwater. After two…
After a year of deliberations, the ZBA may vote on the 528 Boylston Street project on May 1. There are two key reasons to support this project — affordability and climate action. Affordability: Newton needs more homes of all kinds to address the rapidly rising cost of housing. This project…
At its April 10 meeting, the Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed changes to plans for a large residential development at 528 Boylston Street (Route 9) and accepted public comment. The changes were in response to concerns raised by a neighborhood group, Newton Impact, which has organized opposition to the project.…
Nearly four months after the City’s initial Washington Street Pilot proposal, the Newton Planning Department, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, and the project consultants presented the updated project design, now 75% completed. The design focuses on Washington Street from Lowell Avenue to Chestnut…
In a public meeting on April 10, the MBTA presented a conceptual design for an accessible, single-platform commuter rail station in Newtonville. The design features a station platform placed between the tracks to accommodate trains in both directions. A bridge built over the track would be high enough to accommodate…