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Posts published in “People”

Jablon: Why I should be the 11th Middlesex District State Representative

Newton is more than just my hometown; it’s the community that shaped who I am today. Growing up here, I’ve seen both the challenges our city faces and the immense potential within our community and its residents. We need proactive, bold leadership to harness this potential and address the pressing…

Sangiolo: Why I should be the 11th Middlesex District State Representative

I’m running to be the next State Representative for the 11th Middlesex District. I served for 20 years as a Newton City Councilor and currently work at the Attorney General’s office as a consumer specialist in housing. This is a critical time as we face a number of challenges: a…

Newton people in the news…

Jason Garb, a recent graduate of Berklee College of Music, will be the keyboardist for FifteenØeight at Lollapalooza in Chicago, IL on August 2, as part of the Berklee Popular Music Institute, an innovative, year-long class that brings students and Berklee-affiliated acts to major U.S. music festivals.  Emily Rachel Ochlis has…

Newton people in the news…

Benjamin Harris Reider graduated in May from Oberlin College and Conservatory with a Bachelor of Arts in Politics. Jonah Wade Henderson, a rising senior majoring in psychology and neuroscience at Dickinson College, has been named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2024 semester The following students have received Dean’s…

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