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Posts published in “People”

Two creative visions unite: Newton design business highlights former TV reporter’s art

It’s easy to see why Kasey Kaufman describes many of her paintings as “dreamscapes,” since they’re filled with flowing waves, graceful clouds, and abstract buildings, among other elements. If her name rings a bell, it’s because Kaufman was well known on Boston TV as an award-winning reporter at WBZ. A…

Newton people in the news…

Sheila Gabay, a Grand Life Master bridge player, has risen to the top of the American Contract Bridge League Lifetime Masterpoint list for women players. She surpassed the previous record in September after winning the Championship Knockout Teams at the Ocean State Regional. As of November 7, she had over…

Mayor Fuller appoints Acting Chief George McMains as Newton Police Chief

Following the unanimous recommendation by Newton’s nine-member Police Selection Committee, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced that George McMains, the Acting Chief of the Newton Police Department (NPD), will succeed John Carmichael as the department’s new chief. Former Chief Carmichael resigned at the end of August, after a three-month personal leave. Acting…

Newton people in the news…

The Newton Fire Department received a Group Citation for Meritorious Conduct at the 35th annual Massachusett Firefighter of the Year Awards ceremony. The award cited Captain Karl “Gus” Svartstrom, Lieutenant Joseph DeLuca, and Firefighters Richard Busa, Ryan Doherty, Michael Pohlman, Lawrence Quinn, Andrew Sbordone, and Joseph Yerardi for their service in an…

Newton people in the news…

Eric M. Turner was inaugurated on October 18 as the tenth president of Lasell University. He has been involved in Lasell’s management for thirty years, serving as provost since 2020. (See Fig City News article on his appointment.) Laura Colarusso will become editor of the Commonwealth Beacon on November 4…

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